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Trilect Achieves IMPAC Prequalification

A Step Forward for Safety and Excellence

Trilect Health & Safety - Gate Auckland
Trilect Health & Safety - Gate Auckland

In a significant leap towards enhancing workplace health and safety, Trilect Services Ltd is proud to announce its achievement of IMPAC Prequalification. This prestigious distinction not only reinforces Trilect’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding its employees, clients, and contractors but also solidifies its position as an industry leader.

Since its inception in 1999, IMPAC has been at the forefront of providing world-class workplace health and safety solutions. With an unyielding focus on ensuring that every individual returns home safe and well, IMPAC has emerged as New Zealand’s premier authority in this vital domain.

Trilect’s affiliation with IMPAC Prequalification brings forth a host of advantages that extend to its employees, clients, and collaborative partners. Here’s why this accomplishment is a game-changer:

A Dedicated Focus on Health and Safety

Health and safety constitute the core of IMPAC’s expertise, and this aligns perfectly with Trilect’s values. By obtaining IMPAC Prequalification, Trilect ensures that it not only meets but exceeds industry standards, thus placing the well-being of its workforce at the forefront.

Trusted Contractor Partnerships

In a world where contractors play an integral role in various aspects of business operations, their safety and competence become paramount. IMPAC Prequalification signifies that Trilect’s contractors have been meticulously assessed, validating their commitment to work safely and efficiently. This fosters a sense of trust, reliability, and professionalism that extends throughout the organization and its partnerships.
Trilect Health & Safety - Gate Auckland
Trilect Health & Safety - Gate Auckland

Streamlined Contractor Management

Managing contractors effectively is a complex task that directly impacts organizational operations. IMPAC Prequalification streamlines this process by removing the burden of assessing contractors’ health and safety systems. This translates into efficient operations, reduced risks, and enhanced productivity for Trilect and its clients.

A Partnership Rooted in Excellence

Trilect’s alignment with IMPAC Prequalification underscores its dedication to excellence. By collaborating with an organization renowned for its commitment to health and safety, Trilect amplifies its credibility and sets new benchmarks in its industry.

Taking Safety to New Heights

While the achievement of IMPAC Prequalification is a remarkable milestone, it’s important to note that Trilect’s journey towards safety and excellence is an ongoing endeavour. As part of our continuous improvement approach, we’re embarking on this journey of enhanced safety practices and standards.

To our valued clients, partners, and employees, we invite you to witness this significant stride towards a safer and more secure future. As we embrace IMPAC Prequalification, we remain resolute in our mission to prioritize the well-being of our people and create a safer environment for all.

For more insights and information about IMPAC Prequalification and its implications for Trilect Services Ltd, visit PREQUAL website to explore the platform.

Together, let’s build a future where safety thrives and excellence prevails.

Trilect Services Ltd
Safety, Excellence, Commitment